Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Well, I didn't have beer for breakfast, re: the Kris Kristofferson song of this post's title, but after yesterdays exercise in sloth, I think I probably ought to. First weekend in a long time I didn't have a blessed thing planned, so I devoted yesterday to horizontal meditation, Age of Empires II, websurfing, and brushing out the cats. I only stirred out of my room long enough to answer nature's call, and run out to rent some DVD's and get dinner around 9 pm. Oh, yes, friends & neighbors, I'm not a professional slacker, but I can fake it pretty well.

So, not a lot to talk about today. Got my 1000th visitor on Sitemeter, and moved up the TTLB Ecosystem from Flippery Fish to Crawly Amphibian. I'd be more jazzed about that, except that probably 100 of the Sitemeter hits are from accessing the site from the work PC. I haven't told Sitemeter to ignore that IP yet.

Also, I had an entry in the Carnival of the Recipes, and that was worth at least 200 visitors. They're like the "Next Blog" visitors from, though. Here once, never see 'em again. My page views are low, as is the time spent here. I guess I'm not building an audience really quickly. Hmmm. Might be time to go political! Write a bile-laced screed! Shriek some racial epithets! Do another Cat-blog!!

Actually, I'm having trouble finding a direction for the blog. I'm kinda shotgunning all over the blogosphere, doing a bit of this & that. With my post-election political burnout, I can't really summon up the gumption to ream out Bush for our porous borders. The Clinton spectacle the other day was just not worth getting riled up about. I'm a little uneasy about the Booze Reviews, now that another good friend just hopped on the wagon. Shit, I'm running out of carousing partners. Small price to pay for having them having a functional liver and a handful of usable brain cells in 20 years, though.

Man, iTunes is on a roll this morning. Normally I'm hitting the 'skip' key every other song, to bypass something too out of my mood to listen to. Last 7 songs have been right in the groove, though. McLachlan's 'Building A Mystery'; Buffett's 'Meet Me In Memphis"; Marley's 'No Woman No Cry"; The Stones' "Paint It Black"; Kate Bush's "The Sensual World"; Iris DeMent's "Sweet Is The Melody"; Sheryl Crow's "Steve McQueen"... The last one's a bit too animated for my somnolent brain cells this morning, but it's a great tune regardless.

A good fast song's a necessary thing, I'm thinking. Got me revved up enough to go do the "Three S's" ($h1t, shower, shave). That way I won't have the "I'm covered in filth" excuse not to go get some Xmas shopping done later.

Later, amigos.