Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Problematic Postings

Being Too Obscure Might Work Against You...

Maybe it's because my post defended Tom Tancredo. Maybe it's because I just couldn't resist comparing today's crop of liberal activists to the Sturmabteilung aka Hitler's Brownshirts.

Whatever the reason, it spurred some anonymous person to bravely insert three quotes by Adolf Hitler in my comments, issue some vague challenge, then scurry back to whence they came. Witness for yourself:
Aaaaaah, freedom of expression....

Wie glücklich für Führer, die Männer nicht denken.

Die große Stärke des totalitären Zustandes ist, daß sie die zwingt, die sie fürchten, um sie nachzuahmen.

Universalausbildung ist das Korrodieren und das auflösende Gift, das Liberalismus überhaupt für seine eigene Zerstörung erfunden hat.

Now, do it in Spanish and Arabic ....

For what it's worth, the quotes translate as follows:

1) How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.

2) The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it.

3) Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.

For what it's worth, Part II, here it is in Spanish:

1) Cómo es afortunado para los líderes a que los hombres no piensan.

2) La gran fuerza del estado totalitario es que fuerza a los que la teman para imitarla.

3) La educación universal es la corroción y el veneno de desintegración que el liberalismo ha inventado siempre para su propia destrucción.

For what it's worth, Part III, here it is in Arabic:

1) Bak. Derk-derk-Allah. Derka derka, Mohammed Jihad. Haka sherpa-sherpa. Abaka-la.

2) Derka derka, Mohammed Jihad. Haka sherpa-sherpa. Abaka-la. Bak. Derk-derk-Allah.

3) Mohammed Jihad. Haka sherpa-sherpa. Abaka-la. Bak. Derk-derk-Allah. Bak. Derk-derk-Allah. Derka derka.

When I wrote the post last weekend, I debated inserting one of the SA's maxims. To wit: "All opposition must be stamped into the ground".
Seemed a bit crass, and I was looking to remain on the subtle side. Well, as subtle as you can be, posting a jpeg of well-used jackboots.

To make my position clear, and avoid any more violations of Godwin's Law, I'll restate things in a more open manner.

Winning the political debate by muzzling the opposition through violence and intimidation is a Very Bad Thing.

Verstehen Sie, kamerad?