Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Monday, October 13, 2008

How's That Kool-Ade Taste?

Straight From The Pelosi/Reid School Of Journalism

Articles like this are why I never read the Houston Chronicle for news anymore. On the got-dam business page, no less...

Hell, I don't use the Barnacle for wrapping fish, for fear the dead fish will register to vote Democrat in the next election.

Here's a taste:
You've been bamboozled.

In the search for a scapegoat in this economic crisis, some pundits and politicians lay the blame on a "welfare state" law that "forced" bankers to make ultra-risky, high-priced loans to uncreditworthy borrowers.

From radio and TV commentator Laura Ingraham to former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, they say the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act is the root of the subprime contagion infecting the credit markets and ailing the stock markets.

The problem is that's hogwash.

Usually the comments are about even between supporters and detractors. I quit reading after the 3rd page, and hadn't seen but one comment that approved of the article.

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ. I knew you journos were leftists, but I assumed you'd perform your fellating and rimjobbing of His Obamaliciousness with just a tad more discretion...