Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Counting Noses

How Many Peons Does It Take To Make A Horde?

I know this probably won't interest you. After years of dealing with it, my own interest has certainly waned.

OTOH, if you've ever wondered just how many people it takes to keep a major metropolitan city running, this might be informative.

Employees By Department - FY2007:

Airport System - 1538
Affirmative Action - 31
Convention & Entertainment Facilities - 170
City Council Office - 66
City Secretary - 10
Controller's Office - 74
Emergency Center (911) - 240
Finance & Administration - 335
Fire Department - 4182
General Services Division - 287
Health & Human Services - 1128
Housing & Community Development - 128
Human Resources - 105
Information Technology - 129
Legal - 206
Mayor's Office - 67
Municipal Courts Administration - 290
Municipal Courts Judicial - 41
Parks & Recreation - 787
Planning & Development - 102
Police Department - 6329
Public Library - 455
Public Works & Engineering - 3926
Solid Waste Management - 611

Total - 21237

City Population - 2,144,491
City Employees as % of Population - .9% (Nine tenths of one percent)

Now, given my druthers, I'd eliminate Affirmative Action, Health & Human Services, and Housing & Community Development and roll those functions over to the County or State.

I'd privatize Airport, Convention, IT, most of Legal and Courts Admin, & Solid Waste.

I'd merge Controller and F&A, Secretary and Council Office, Planning and General Services, and 911 and Fire.

Small wonder the union wants nothing to do with me...