Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Book Report

Reading Is Not An Optional Activity!

Y'know, for someone that reads as much as I do, you'd think I'd blog about it more often.

Way back at one of the BlownStar blogmeets, I got in a discussion with Leslie and Hammer over our favorite literary genres, and I'd planned on writing some grand über-post on my extensive library, and my favorite authors.

Yeah, that'll happen sometime soon...

I've got seriously eclectic reading habits, and I think that's part of why I'm so reticent about bookblogging. I've met people that think me quite odd for actually purchasing books instead of using the library.

The true bibliophile knows, however, that when you just HAVE to look up a passage or a quote at 3 a.m., most libraries are locked up tight. If you don't have a copy on hand, you're shit out of luck.

So, I have more books than I can keep track of.

I re-read books often as well, even the crappy ones. Most times I can coax out something new with each reading. I'd get through my "To Be Read" pile quicker if I quit re-reading, but when the urge to revisit Dune or savage Pellucidar strikes, what can you do?

I keep multiple books going at the same time. I've got my office book for lunch & breaks; my travel book for bus stops and restaurants; my in-the-truck book, in case I finish the office or travel book, but I usually can't resist starting it while waiting at red lights...

Also, there's the nightstand book, for before-bed reading. There might be two or three nightstand books, depending on what mood I'm in. Currently, I'm working through Liberal Fascism, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and the latest John Ringo Posleen War novel.

I'll try to post a recommended book once a week, if I can remember to do so. Usually when my blogging slacks off, it's because I'm curled up with a good book!