Sunday Is Gun Day!!
Fun & Games With Explosive Materials
Despite the two rugrats hanging from the ceiling fans, I managed to be somewhat productive this weekend.
Sammy & Grace were packed off to church & lunch with Grammy & PopPop, so Tio Capitan took the opportunity to escape the city before he could get dragooned into more babysitting duties.
I went up to the Cisco Kid's place up near Tomball and spent the afternoon loading rounds for the .45 hand cannon.
Despite a serious eff-up on my part that required the scrapping & salvaging & reloading a *3rd* time of 85 rounds, (see here for the 1st eff-up) it turned out OK. The pic below is a grand total of 443 reloaded rounds of .45 Long Colt ammo. It's mostly 300 gr. bullets, 50 hollowpoints and 150 jacketed soft points. The rest is either 230 gr. round nose or 185 gr. semiwadcutter bullets.
Here's a tip... If you ever get a sneaking suspicion while reloading that you've really screwed something up, PAY ATTENTION!! Don't dismiss that feeling!
In this case, I was resetting the shell plate after a feed jam, and realized that I'd fed a double charge of powder into the primed case. That was an easy fix, just dump the powder and replace the empty case in the shell plate.
The problem was that I was certain I'd done that particular event a few minutes earlier, and somewhere in the pile of loaded rounds was a ticking time bomb.
You really, really don't want to risk a double charge of Bullseye powder, even in a bankvault-esque revolver like my Ruger Redhawk.
See, if you blow yourself up as a result of a reloading goof, you'll have to go before Crom up on his mountain and answer the question "What is the riddle of steel?"
The correct answer is: "Steel gets blow'd up when you eff up your reloading!"
Crom will then laugh at you and cast you out of Valhalla. And that would just suck.

Also accomplished: Swapping out the full-length guide rod for a GI version on the 1911, replacing the firing pin spring and adding a compensator. Hardly worth mentioning, as it took a grand total of 10 minutes, and that included scrubbing out the firing pin & extractor channels.
Can't wait to see how it shoots!

Despite the two rugrats hanging from the ceiling fans, I managed to be somewhat productive this weekend.
Sammy & Grace were packed off to church & lunch with Grammy & PopPop, so Tio Capitan took the opportunity to escape the city before he could get dragooned into more babysitting duties.
I went up to the Cisco Kid's place up near Tomball and spent the afternoon loading rounds for the .45 hand cannon.
Despite a serious eff-up on my part that required the scrapping & salvaging & reloading a *3rd* time of 85 rounds, (see here for the 1st eff-up) it turned out OK. The pic below is a grand total of 443 reloaded rounds of .45 Long Colt ammo. It's mostly 300 gr. bullets, 50 hollowpoints and 150 jacketed soft points. The rest is either 230 gr. round nose or 185 gr. semiwadcutter bullets.
Here's a tip... If you ever get a sneaking suspicion while reloading that you've really screwed something up, PAY ATTENTION!! Don't dismiss that feeling!
In this case, I was resetting the shell plate after a feed jam, and realized that I'd fed a double charge of powder into the primed case. That was an easy fix, just dump the powder and replace the empty case in the shell plate.
The problem was that I was certain I'd done that particular event a few minutes earlier, and somewhere in the pile of loaded rounds was a ticking time bomb.
You really, really don't want to risk a double charge of Bullseye powder, even in a bankvault-esque revolver like my Ruger Redhawk.
See, if you blow yourself up as a result of a reloading goof, you'll have to go before Crom up on his mountain and answer the question "What is the riddle of steel?"
The correct answer is: "Steel gets blow'd up when you eff up your reloading!"
Crom will then laugh at you and cast you out of Valhalla. And that would just suck.

Also accomplished: Swapping out the full-length guide rod for a GI version on the 1911, replacing the firing pin spring and adding a compensator. Hardly worth mentioning, as it took a grand total of 10 minutes, and that included scrubbing out the firing pin & extractor channels.
Can't wait to see how it shoots!

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