Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Monday, February 14, 2005

100 Things About Me: The Prologue

I had hoped to not post these little tidbits about myself until after the interview by this blogger. Unfortunately, Jennifer's still being held hostage by Horrible Poisonous Toads, and my scheduled interview is on the back burner while she works on developing a remedy for the illness caused by contact with Horrible Poisonous Toad spittle.

So, to jump on yet another blog-meme, I present... 100 Things About Me. Feel free to use them for trivia contests (Hear that, Texas BlogFest attendees?) or, if you must, attempt blackmail. It won't work, but you can attempt it!

I give you fair warning... since I am a long-winded SOB, I can't just do a single line for each fact. I must pontificate quite frequently, so I'm gonna split these up into manageable chunks over the coming week.
Even at my blatherous best, I imagine y'all can ingest 20 a day. When I get all 100 posted, I'll do a compilation and bury it back in my archives, and put a link up on top of my blogroll.

Enjoy the list! If you like what you've seen so far on the blog, nothing here should come as a big surprise. If you've already determined that I'm just another loudmouthed egotistical Texas a$$h@le, well, you won't be dissuaded from that opinion, either.