Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Just Damn!

While perusing my Sitemeter and Technorati logs this morning, I notice I have been blogrolled by the Bwana Makuba of Georgia, the notorious and highly esteemed Dax Montana!
Muchas Gracias, O Great White Hunter! I'll reciprocate as soon as I can.

In other news... someone please tell me why every day I get 8+ hits from people searching for baboons on Google? Surely there's not that many kiddies doing book reports on Geladas and Mandrills? I hope their little minds aren't too warped by the time they leave my site. OK, not really. I live to twist young minds. Hopefully I can bounce them off the automaton track that TV and sub-par public education has consigned most of them to. Well, that's my story, anyway, and I'm stickin' to it!

I'm starting to figure out how to interpret the Sitemeter data. In the morning, I get a bunch of "unknown" referrals. I'm thinking that's the various people that have me on their daily read list, and are hitting me from bookmarks. That number is growing, which I kinda groove on.

I also get a buttload of blogspot referrals, mostly from new blogs. I'm pretty sure that's just people OD'ing on the "Next Blog" button. Dunno why I get them in waves, though.

I'm past the 90 day mark on this new blog, and that's the time I wanted to start taking a look at migrating off of Blogspot. I've already got registered, but I'm not entirely sure I see a reason to leave Blogspot just yet. I got Haloscan for comments and trackbacks, I can tweak the template, at least to the limit of my miniscule HTML ability. Other than the fact that Blogspot could close up shop overnight and all my stuff would disappear, I can't see a benefit to paying the $12 a month for hosting fees, as well as have to learn a new interface. There's also the spammers, which I haven't really had to deal with yet.

I'd need a blogging tool that's cross platform since I migrate between an XP Wintel box and my iMac running OSX. I like Blogspot's web-based interface. I can blog wherever I can get an online connection. I'm not planning on joining the Laptop Brigade anytime soon, so I can't really carry my BlogWare around with me.

I am running out of space for images in my allotted website bin from my ISP. Even in the days of 1 GB Google-Mail and 250MB Hotmail (FOR FREE!!!) I'm only allowed 10MB for hosting. Bleah. There's no bandwidth charges, at least, since it's non-commercial.

Any suggestions? Ideas? Comments? I'd love to hear from folks that have migrated off of Blogspot.