Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Forgotten Cookies

I'm Amazed I Remembered Them...

Baking Christmas cookies used to be de rigueur at the El Capitan household every year. Alas, expanding waistlines and decreasing free time has largely brought this activity to a halt.

I may make a couple of batches this year, just for old times sake. This recipe for Forgotten Cookies is quick and easy, uses few ingredients, and best of all you only need a mixing bowl and a couple of cookie sheets! Hardly any mess to clean up!

OK, first the prep. You'll need the following items: (recipe doubles/triples easily)

2 egg whites
2/3 c. sugar
Pinch of cream of tartar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup tiny chocolate chips -OR- 1 cup chopped pecans/walnuts -OR- 1 cup crushed candy cane pieces -OR- 1 cup crunchy frogs.

It's best to make these in the evening, just before you go to bed. The reason why will be clear shortly.

Before you start, cover your cookie sheets with aluminum foil (saves cleanup time later) and preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

DO NOT forget to preheat the oven! If you miss this step, you're pretty much humped, and your cookies will collapse.

While the oven is preheating, put the egg whites in a mixing bowl, pull out your Ronco Whisk-o-Mixer, and commence to applying corporal punishment to the egg whites until they get all foamy and meringue-y, but still kinda juicy-looking. At that point start slowly adding in the sugar, cream of tartar & vanilla. Keep beating the egg whites until they get stiff & foamy. When they lose that juicy look, carefully fold in in your cup of whatever add-in you chose.

Drop by spoonfuls onto the foil-covered cookie sheets. They should stand up in little peaks. How many cookies you get kind of depends on how big a spoon you use. You ought to get 36 teaspoon-sized cookies, 16-18 tablespoon-sized cookies, or 1-2 cookies if you use that big-ass wooden salad spoon that's hanging on the wall.

Put the cookie sheets in the oven, then TURN OFF THE HEAT! Then, just go to bed. Forget the cookies until the next morning! See? Forgotten Cookies!

When you pull the cookies out the next morning and they're black & shriveled, you forgot to turn off the heat. Also, you're probably standing in a burned-out kitchen.

If you remembered to turn off the heat, carefully peel the cookies off the foil, and put them in an airtight container. They'll keep for a few days.

These are absolutely dee-lish, and literally melt in your mouth!

Mucho Gusto!