Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mini BlogMeet!

Helen, Schmelen... We've Got A Walrilla!

OK, sports fans, here's the scoop...

This weekend, if you'd like to eat some righteous BBQ and hang out with some bloggers, join us in Lockhart, Texas!

So far, there's 5 folks who've indicated they can make it, and I'm sure a few more will drop in.

Kreuz Market
619 N. Colorado St.
Lockhart, Texas 78644

1 block S of Hwy 183 & 672, across from City Park

Map Link:

(Lockhart is about 12 miles east of San Marcos, and 20 miles south of Austin on Hwy 183)

This coming Saturday, October 20th, 2007
11 am - early evening

If we get tossed out for balancing brisket on our noses, there's a city park across the street, and I'm sure there's some sort of watering hole or ice house nearby should cigars get set aflame. We'll just sort of play it by ear. It might not be a bad idea to carry along some sort of sitting device and a cooler of soft drinks should we end up over in the park.

If you're not sure how you'll find us, I'm the XXXL mofo with the balding head & goatee, 'Running Behind' is the really tall dude with the rockstar hair & a goatee, and Walrilla's the bald goateed dude in a wheelchair. LC Beth does NOT have a goatee, but she's welcome to attempt one by Saturday! ;-)

Hope y'all can make it!