Ain't That The Truth...
Leave The Lawyers Alone. Hang The Journalists!
Saw this over at Mostly Cajun's place, and thought it deserved a slightly wider audience.
I'm kinda surprised the cartoonist didn't go ahead and put "CNN" or "MSNBC" on the reporter's microphone...

UPDATE: I re-read this after a few hours, and just realized the inadvertent douchebaggery on my part... This is not to imply that I have a vastly greater audience than Mostly Cajun! My average weekly hits here at BP probably fit into what MC gets during afternoon drivetime on a Tuesday. No, what I meant to say was... The three or four of you who don't regularly tune in to MC can view this amusing cartoon at this backwater blog.
Saw this over at Mostly Cajun's place, and thought it deserved a slightly wider audience.
I'm kinda surprised the cartoonist didn't go ahead and put "CNN" or "MSNBC" on the reporter's microphone...

UPDATE: I re-read this after a few hours, and just realized the inadvertent douchebaggery on my part... This is not to imply that I have a vastly greater audience than Mostly Cajun! My average weekly hits here at BP probably fit into what MC gets during afternoon drivetime on a Tuesday. No, what I meant to say was... The three or four of you who don't regularly tune in to MC can view this amusing cartoon at this backwater blog.
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