Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Spring 2006 Texas Blogfest

Get Your Groove On With Some Cracka-Ass Crackas

Chouchope has posted the particulars of the upcoming Tejas y Jorjeya Blogger Meet & Greet & Eat Treat in Austin.

Go here for the scoop, or just read it all here.

What: Texas & Georgia Bloggers Bash

Where: Austin, TX

When: April 28-30, 2006

Who: Everybody who is somebody, plus a few hippies & dragworms we'll grab off of Guadalupe St for amusement.

Why: 'Cause You Ain't Got Nothin' Better Going On That Weekend!

Shoe's got a stack of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn on Town Lake in Austin. The tab's $85 per night. There are 15 rooms on hold until April 7th, but they'll go quickly. "Texas Blodgers" is the password, call 1-888-465-4329.

It's time to come out of your shells, Texas bloggers! We need to crank up the apeshit-ometer and show these peanut farmers how to hold Fiesta Mas Grande!! Time to match up LC Beth's frozen whiskey sours against that fabled Chatham Artillery Punch as a medium of subtle and insidious ethanol-inspired buffoonery.

Oh, and if I have anything to say about it, we are not taking those crackers out to eat sub-par BBQ! No County Line, no Rudy's, no Stubbs! We need to drag these pilgrims out to Salt Lick, where we can get an outdoor table for 40 and carry in all our boozable beverages in coolers for a proper Texas feed.

Bookmark this site, y'all. It'll have all the gory details in the months ahead.

BTW, wtf is a blown-eyed blodger? Sounds like a refugee from a prison gang rape...