Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Rethinking The High-Rise

Or, Why I Need New Knees

Well, that was exciting. We just emptied out a 25 story building via the stairwells because someone burned their lunch.

Unfortunately for me, the departmental relocation to the 7th floor doesn't occur until mid-April. 7 flights of stairs, I can handle. I thought, at least up until this afternoon, I could deal with 20 flights with no problems. I thought that right up until the 12th floor, when my knees started to wobble. By the 5th floor, I was prepared to apply BBQ sauce to myself and strap myself to the stair rail with my belt and carryall strap in lieu of a rotisserie. My left knee has been a trainwreck for a while now, and now both of them are gonna be creaky for weeks.

Hmmm. Who knew that going downhill could suck so hard? At least we got the elevator going back up.

I'm gonna be feeling this in the morning. I'm going to find the lunch-burner and rub a good dose of Ben-Gay or IcyHot into their skivvies, just so they'll share my olfactory joy tomorrow.