Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sic Transit Gloria Fishie

Bob the Betta Is Circling The Drain

Well, looks like ol' Bob is about to start sleeping with the fishes. Wait, he already does that...

Bob the Betta ( a Siamese Fighting Fish) is having some issues today. He's looking oddly bulgy, he's got some sort of fungal infection, and he can't seem to decide to remain motionless on the bottom of the bowl, or on the top. I keep thinking he's finally cacked it, and I can give him the 1.6 gallon blue-water sendoff, but then he flaps his tail furiously and manages to do a few more laps before going back to his coma.

Bob, if you weren't so icky-looking, I'd feed your corpse to the cats. That's how highly I regard you! You've been a good fish, and when your mortal shell reaches the end of the sewer pipe, I hope your little fishy soul finds an eternity of warm water, plenty of hiding places, and all the freeze-dried bugs you can eat.

Adios, Bob. Vaya Con Tuna!