Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Have You Seen The Muffin Man?

He Lives On Boudicca's Lane!

Bou's talkin' muffins!

Not bran or blueberry, mind you, but the little fabric gizmo that helps a woman even out her appearance in the case of cattywompus boobies.

Muffins... yeeeks...

Imagine my surprise as an eager 16 year old male removing his first brassiere from an eager 16 year old female, and having a muffin fall out. Talk about killing the mood...

Well, not *my* mood, you understand. I'd actually gotten the bra off, and was pretty strongly committed to continuing the exploratory expedition.

The other involved party was mortally embarrassed about her mismatched pair, and the fact that she'd forgotten to stash the muffin prior to kickoff. Things worked themselves out, as they usually do.

The mortally embarassed party turned out to be me a couple of years later when the other involved party from that day explained with great glee to a mixed company of our friends that I had dubbed the pair "The Odd Couple"...