Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Need To Self-Medicate...

A Friend With Weed Is A Friend Indeed!

Duuuuude.... After last night's debacle, I really need a fat doobie. Maybe multiple bong hits. Hell, I'd settle for a ratty old hashpipe with a big pinch of Coahuila ditchweed.

OTOH, I've been off the marijohoonie for almost 5 years now. Well, I was never really "on" the herb. You either partake or you don't, there's no physically addictive quality to the stuff. The time came to set down the bong, and I went willingly.

Every so often, in times of extreme stress, I still get the urge to spin up a minnow and head off to La-La Land for a few hours. I never do, of course. First, I wouldn't know where to begin looking for the stuff. I'm a bit old to go asking around in video game arcades for a nickel bag, plus we haven't really had video game arcades or nickel bags for 20 years now.

Second, I'm still under the threat of random piss-testing. I've made some friends in the HR Department, but not at the level I can get myself removed from the random sampling pool. Yes, I'm aware that the infrequent user can flush their system in under a week. However, I am also aware of my intimate relationship with Mr. Murphy and his Law. I don't dare eat poppyseed bagels for fear of tripping the dope-meter for opiates. That's just the way my life works.

So, it's probably a sit-down with Mr. Walker tonight, (the Black version seems appropriate...) I didn't dare drink last night, for fear of starting a binge I couldn't finish.