Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weird Book Meme

Tag, I'm It Yet Again!

The rules are: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!

Tagged by: Army Of Mom

OK, here goes...

2. A mezzanine having two or more means of egress need not be open into the room in which it is located, provided at least one of the means of egress gives direct access to a protected corridor, exit court or exit.

3. In industry facilities, mezzanines used for control equipment may be glazed on all sides.

V. Two means of egress shall be provided from a mezzanine when two are required by table 10-A.

VI. If any required means of egress enters the room below, the occupant load of the mezzanine shall be added to the occupant load of the room in which it is located.

Well, there you have it. The exciting and incredibly emotional content of the 1997 Uniform Building Code for the City of Houston, Volume One. That's the risk you run by doing these memes at work...

If you want to play, feel free. I'm gonna tag a few folks whose blogs are gathering cobwebs in hopes it spurs them to activity!

The Layabout Sailor