Baboon Pirates

Scribbles and Scrawls from an unrepentant swashbuckling primate.

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Location: Texas, United States

Friday, September 02, 2005

Well, Damn.

The Courtroom Saga Continues

It seems my association with the legal system continues at a gallop. No end in sight. I was treated this morning to a summons stuck to the front door, courtesy of a creditor I have repeatedly dodged for several years. Due to their general assholery, I was quite blunt in letting them know they weren't getting another cent out of me.

OK, I might have been wrong about that. Unfortunately, I DO owe the money, and a defense mounted on the thesis that the other side is composed primarily of scurrilous louts and zoophilic assmonkeys is not likely to make much headway with the magistrate.

Naturally, this is going to make a hash of my finances for the near future. I'll probably be able to get through the process without having to hire an attorney, but the Rifleman's Clinic and the trip out to Vegas to see Flygirl get hitched are definitely on the ropes.

Damn. This sucks.